Why should you meditate ?



Meditation activates your Alpha and Theta brain waves.

Which helps you in focusing on your breath.

For the time you meditate you will be stressed free, it reduces stress.

Keep your mind Present and makes you calmer.

While meditating you allow yourself to focus on breathing and 

you welcome thoughts and let them go without solving them. 

As a beginner, you might face some problems with focusing.

It takes time.

I personally started with a guided meditation which in your beginning days 

helps you to focus.

I use the free app ( no paid promotion ) Medito for guided meditations which helps me in

focusing my breaths and I'm sure it will help you too.

If you are reading this blog or thread start today itself and do it consistently for 21days

so you can form a habit and get many advantages from it.

Meditation is Being in tune with our Inner Universe.

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